ASTCstaListener Class Reference

CSTA event listener. More...

#include <ActivaAPI.h>

Inheritance diagram for ASTCstaListener:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void OnOriginated (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string originatingDevice, std::string callerId, std::string callerIdName, std::string calledDevice, std::string userData, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId has been originated at originatingDevice
virtual void OnAlerting (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string alertingDevice, std::string callerId, std::string callerIdName, std::string calledDevice, std::string lastRedirectingDevice, std::string userData, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId is alerting at alertingDevice
virtual void OnEstablished (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string establishedDevice, std::string callerId, std::string callerIdName, std::string calledDevice, std::string lastRedirectingDevice, std::string userData, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId has been established at establishedDevice
virtual void OnFailed (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string failingDevice, std::string callerId, std::string callerIdName, std::string calledDevice, std::string lastRedirectionDevice, std::string userData, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId has been failed at failingDevice
virtual void OnQueued (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string queuedDevice, std::string queue, int position_in_queue, int queue_len, std::string callerId, std::string callerIdName, std::string calledDevice, std::string userData, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId has been queued at queue
virtual void OnDiverted (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string divertedDevice, std::string divertingDevice, std::string callerId, std::string callerIdName, std::string calledDevice, std::string userData, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId has been diverted from a device (example: from a queue)
virtual void OnConnectionCleared (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string releasingDevice, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId in releasingDevice has been hung-up
virtual void OnCallCleared (MonitorXref xref, DWORD callId, std::string userData, call_cause cause)=0
 a call with callId has been completely destroyed
virtual void OnLinkDown ()=0
 provider link-down handler

Detailed Description

CSTA event listener.

When ASTCstaProvider triggers an event it does so by calling a method on this listener class. So applications usually implement their own ASTCstaListener-derived class and override OnXXX() methods.

Application should implement this interface deriving a class from ASTCstaListener and re-implementing the needed methods. Listener interface methods are supposed to:

  1. Do not change parameters passed.
  2. Be short, fast to avoid blocking the provider thread.
  3. Do not call any provider method

Common parameters:

  1. MonitorXref xref is the monitor cross-reference opaque handler returned in OpenMonitor() call
  2. DWORD callId is a call identifier. It is generated by ASTCstaProvider and not directly related to Asterisk uniqueid's
  3. device: address subject of event.
  4. callerId/callerIdName: cid/cidname provided by Asterisk, if any.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Mon Jul 25 09:08:52 2011 for Activa Framework by  doxygen 1.5.9