Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ASTCallMapThis class administer all call maps of ActivaTSP
ASTCstaListenerCSTA event listener
ASTCstaProviderThis is the main class of Activa framework. Provides a csta-like programming interface
ASTCstaProviderInterfaceThis is the main class of Activa framework. Provides a csta-like programming interface
AsteriskCallInternal representation of asterisk calls
ASTListenerASTProvider listener interface
ASTLogListenerLogger interface: any customized logger must implement this interface
ASTProviderEncapsulates Asterisk 1.x manager API
ASTTapiProviderTsp-level abstraction on top of ASTCstaProvider
BasicLoggerBasicLogger is just a very simple logger
CallDisconnectedHelper structure
ConnectionAlertingHelper structure
ConnectionConnectedHelper structure
ConnectionDisconnectedHelper structure
ConnectionDivertedHelper structure
ConnectionFailedHelper structure
ConnectionHeldHelper structure
ConnectionOriginatedHelper structure
ConnectionQueuedHelper structure
TapiCallTSP level model of a call
TapiLineTSP level model of a tapi line

Generated on Mon Jul 25 09:08:51 2011 for Activa Framework by  doxygen 1.5.9