What's new in Activa 1.1?
Note: Some of those features were already added in a previous fix release 1.0.1.
New features:
NEW: Now a line DN *can* contain a full channel. Example: could use line-DN=sip/311 instead of using line-DN=311. If full channel spec (ie: sip/311) is used then call monitor is still opened to 311 but events related to sip/311 are also sent.
NEW: Added a TSP calledIdName in configuration dialog box. It allows to set the caller id name info when originating outbound calls.
NEW: Added event-minimization-rules in Csta layer in order to reduce event noise.
NEW: Added callerid/callername fields in tsp events.
NEW: Added version info at tsp dialog level
NEW: Added flag to set trace=on/off at tsp dialog level.
NEW: Handle newstate=Busy -> connectionFailed -> tsp.
FIX: Changed TSP callerid/calleridname handling. Verified on inbound/outbound trunk scenario using IAX2 and misdn trunks.
NEW: Removed callednumber charecters filtering in MakeCall. Now characters are allowed in called addresses: ie: "Benjamin" or 'abc5560'. Tsp layer still removing 'T' or 'P' prefix in response to suggestion from B.Stocker in http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3840120
FIX: repair setup: register tsp and create start-menu-entries.
FIX: using MS dialer.exe: when closing app it warns that a call still exists. Debbugging shows that a line_drop fails because TapiCall has been already dropped. SOL: line_drop could return ok even if call is not there.
NEW: Doxygen documentation for Activa framework & TSP
NEW: Implemented QueueAdd, QueueRemove and QueuePause.
NEW: Added QueueAdd, QueueRemove and QueuePause as LOGIN, LOGOUT, READY and NOTREADY features at TSP level. Using feature makecall codes.
CHANGE: Changed astcstaprovider call-model. Now event handling is more independent of dialplan and contexts. Different inbound contexts parameters to ASTCstaProvider and ActivaTSP are no longer necessary and had been removed.
discussion: previous call model was based on jtapi-asterisk and tried to keep a single callid for both parties in a call, getting the sourceUniqueId for both. But this arises to a problem when both channels have already sent events when they get linked, so applications would receive events from a single phisycal call but different callid. An alternative call-model is to just stick to asterisk model: maintain callid= uniqueid assuming that different parties in a call each will have its different but consistent callid.
NEW: Basic infrastructure to allow for multiple lines (registry-based). Connect once, on a one-stream-multiple-devices model.
NEW: Implemented basic void setForward() and setFeature( )
FIX: changes in callerid could produce lost events example: alerting to 311 then callerid changed to 211 so conncleared sent to 211 !!! This could lead to situations where call map can get corrupted: call could never be removed !
CHANGE: Refactoring to encapsulate more TSP functionality in asttapiclass class.
CHANGE: Refactoring to adapt astprovider such as it provides services equivalent to AMI and fires asterisk-like events. So handling moved to upper astcstaprovider.
CHANGE: Now will better handle tcp disconnections: report to upper layer/application, clean-up provider and model, when onlinkdown close all csta&tsp callmaps and monitor.
FIX: if calling to a wrong number there is no call progress indication and line does not return to idle.