Activa 1.0.1 readme
What's new in Activa 1.0.1 ?
New features:
Doxygen documentation for
Activa framework & TSP
Implemented QueueAdd, QueueRemove and QueuePause. See doxygen
Added QueueAdd, QueueRemove and QueuePause as LOGIN, LOGOUT,
READY and NOTREADY features at TSP level. Using feature makecall codes.
Refactoring: encapsulate more TSP functionality in asttapiclass
Refactoring: adapt astprovider such as it provides services
equivalent to AMI and fires asterisk-like events. So handling moved to upper
FIX: repair setup: register tsp and create start-menu-entries
FIX: using MS dialer.exe: when closing app it warns that a call
still exists. Debbugging shows that a line_drop fails because TapiCall has been
already dropped. SOL: line_drop could return ok even if call is not there
Removed callednumber filtering in originate. Now characters are
allowed in called addresses: ie: "Benjamin" or 'abc5560'. tsp layer still
removing 'T' or 'P' prefix in response to suggestion from B.Stocker in
Now will better handle tcp disconnections: report to upper
layer/application, clean-up provider and model, when onlinkdown close all
csta&tsp callmaps and monitor
Basic infrastructure to allow for multiple lines
(registry-based). Connect once, on a one-stream-multiple-devices model.
Implemented basic void setForward() and setFeature()
FIX: if calling to a wrong number there is no call progress
indication and line does not return to idle.